Moving with Kids

Moving can be one of the scariest or exciting events to happen in a kids young life. Each child may respond differently to the big change, but regardless of how they take it, it is still vital to discuss moving with your children.
Moving with Kids
Discussing the move with your children is the most crucial step. Explain to them why you have to move, whatever reason it may be. If your children are young, explain it in a way they understand. Even if they don’t understand, it is still important that they know moving needs to happen. Again, kids will take this news very differently. A lot of their reaction may have to do with their age. For younger kids, it may be more exciting because it means a fun new school and more friends. Whereas an older child, middle to high school age, may already have a developed friend group and for them, the move means leaving their friends and being in an unfamiliar environment.

While their fears may be justified, parents can stress the positives of the move. The new area, and everything to do within that area. If your child is an athlete, or in band, or theater at his/her previous school, encourage them to get involved at the new school.

Another good way to get kids excited about the move is to give them jobs, let them help with the move. For older kids who might not fall for that trick, have them find good pizza shops nearby or fun stores they might be interested in. If you have a pet have your kids help your pet fit in and maybe explore the surrounding areas.

Remind them that they’re not in this alone, that you moved as a family and that you’re there for them. Always highlight the silver lining within the move and soon enough the kids will feel at home. Our staff at expert Moving is full of fun and friendly members who can even make the move fun for your children. Contact us today to learn more!

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