Moving can be very stressful on a person, it can be especially stressful if you are moving with pets. Your pets can become aware of any new adjustment or change to their environment so it’s important that you make sure their travel is as smooth as possible. Here are some helpful tips to make you and your pet’s journey stress-free.
- If you are traveling by plane, it is crucial you take your pet to the veterinarian because for airlines and states it’s mandatory to have a signed health certificate. Also, make sure to ask your veterinarian for any records and prescription medication for your pets.
- When traveling for several days, be sure to locate pet-friendly hotels and to stop frequently for bathroom & water breaks.
- If relocating to a new state, be aware of entry fee for animals. It is important to cooperate with the laws of any state to guarantee smooth travels.
- While traveling, keep your pets secured in a carrier or close to you on a leash. Animals can get anxious in new surroundings and may try to escape, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on them.
- Make sure during the first couple days in your new home you are well stocked with the proper animal food, water, treats, toys, and grooming materials to keep your pet comfortable.
- It’s important that you try to move in your storage before your pets, setting up as much furniture as possible will help your pets adjust easily to the new home.
- Most important, update your pet’s tag or microchip with the new address and phone number of your home in case they get lost.
With time, your pets will become adjusted to their new home and surroundings, it’s important to be patience with them. Make sure you take the time to prepare and plan for any move with your pets. For any helping when traveling with or without your pets, give us a call at 800-803-2032!