How Can I Securely Pack Jewelry for Moving?

A big move can cause a lot of stress for homeowners since there is a lot going on: learning an new neighborhood, carving out time to move items, and the other things that go along with relocating to a new home. Stress can build up even more when determining what to do with your jewelry.

Jewelry needs be protected, secure, and stored properly to avoid any items going missing or getting significantly damaged. Even sturdier pieces can end up broken or lost if movers don’t take the time to secure their jewelry.

At Expert Moving and Storage, we aim to provide the most secure and professional moving service around with our team of dedicated and responsible movers. Our team is highly skilled in making sure your most precious and expensive items are moved safely and organized from your old home to your new one. If you interested in moving services that have expertise in jewelry transport, then contact us today. If you need some beginner tips, keep reading below!

Use our professional jewelry packing tips to get started

In our previous blog about jewelry moving and storage, we dove deep into the types of items that can help act as safe storage units for your jewelry. These include the following:

  • Jewelry Boxes (which are a no-brainer for small pieces that could get lost)
  • Straws and packing paper for necklaces that allow movers to keep necklaces organized and untangled during a bumpy ride
  • Toilet paper rolls and egg cartons that provide a secure but soft container that can fit additional pieces that don’t fit in a jewelry box.

If you have a safe with jewelry wait until your last moving day

If you are using a moving company or having family help you move, then it may be best to wait to move valuables in a safe. If a safe isn’t properly packed it could cause your jewelry to shift around, becoming tangled or potentially damaged if it isn’t packed properly in a truck or vehicle.

With a safe it’s best to have it in a spacious area of a vehicle, such as the bottom of the back passenger row, where it won’t fall over or get lost during the move.

Take some time to organize your jewelry before the move

This may be the most important guideline on our list: just making sure that you list and organize your jewelry before you move. There could be a missing earring, bracelet, or other piece in your house that you could find during the move. Quickly take stock of the jewelry you currently own to see if any pieces are missing.

Just making a quick list can help ensure you secure your jewelry before you move. And if you ever need an expert team then consult the pros at Expert Moving & Storage today!

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